Thursday, August 14, 2014

You'll Never See Thor the Same Again

Think About This
 Disney Owns Marvel
Marvel Owns Thor
In the comics, Thor is now a Girl
Thor's father is the King of Asgard
Thor is now a Disney Princess
I just BLEW your mind.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Review

What happens when you combine one of your most beloved childhood TV shows with Michael Bay? This summer's guilty pleasure. TNMT had a good plot, but terrible written, and questionable acting, although I'm sure the actors did the best they could do with the script they had. Except for you MEGAN FOX. Other than that the movie was bearable, and I did my best to avoid being seen exiting the theater. Uhhhh... 6/10

Oh yea, Shredder was awesome, making a samurai seem modern is hard to do, and they did it better than The Wolverine!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy Review: Warning! Spoilers!

Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the greatest Marvel movies ever, rivaling the Avengers itself. If you've seen the movie, you would probably agree. From Drax's punch lines, to a dancing Groot, to a Howard the Duck after credits scene, Guardians of the Galaxy was funny, surprising, suspenseful, and action packed. There was just one problem. They repeated over, and over, and over IF YOU TOUCH THE STONE YOU DIE. They also showed that the Tesseract (Avengers) and the Aether (Thor the Dark World) were in the same category. Therefore, if you touch them, should you not also die? But NOOOO Nick Fury grabbed the Tesseract being all "Screw safety!", and Thor's girlfriend had the Aether inside her. These "infinity gems" are very picky and choosey on when they want to turn people to dust. Other than that, great movie, must see!